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5 Professional static pages for blogger
The home page is designed for those users who want a professional website out getting purchase anything. So it is best solution of this problem that use blog-spot...
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science 2nd edition by john zelle
It is essential for the programmers and students to keep themselves updated and be alerted with the latest developments and new programming features in the programming...
Your Own Computer Games with Python
It is time to learn that how to learn, all for free! To get here, nothing more simple but nothing is complex, the Internet in search of the best courses and tutorials...
Project on Utility Recharge website using JavaScript,HTML & CSS
This is mobile, DTH and landline recharge project. You can recharge your utility bills including mobile recharge, DTH recharge, Landline bills and much more in three...
C++ Project on Diabetes Detection System
If you are in with any type of disease or infection and knowing about these infections on time will help you to get cure and take precautions in time. This process...
C++ Project on Life Insurance Company
Life insurance company database management system will help to allow the both customers and their agents to know about the active and current  policies and conditions...
C++ Project on Hotel Management System
This new hotel management system project that is written in c++ has been developed to meet all the processing requirements and needs which are needed within the hotel...
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Principal of electric circuits by Thomas L Floyd 8th Edition .PDF

Dec 07 2015 Unknown
The 4th edition of Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version provides a complete and straightforward coverage of the basics of ele...

Intro to Java | Graphical User Interfaces (Book3) by David Ethridge

Feb 08 2016 Unknown
This item was last posted by Ghlam Mujtaba KhanIf you like our work please spread the knowledge as well was possible by sharing it on Facebook, Twitte...