The home page is designed for those users who want a professional website out getting purchase anything. So it is best solution of this problem that use blog-spot and create different static pages that meets our requirements and fulfill our wishes. So after a long time i am able to create them and sharing with the people who are stuffing their mind with thousands of the web pages and stuffed fully.
When we talk about home pages, most blogs and websites are divided into two category: static websites and non-static websites. As their name shows, static home pages or website stay as is it no matter how many times the website is updated, while non-static home pages or websites continuously changes as show the latest posts. So here is the examples of static pages and their source code and you need to just copy and past into HTML section.
1 -The Index page (Home page) with mouse hover and mouse leave effect.
1) Responsive Bootstrap full width slider with specific read more button and disciptions.
2) Show case of your work and portfolios.
3) Mouse hover and mouse leave property
4) Responsive J Query un-dragable "poputs" show on mouse hover and hide on mouse leave.
5) Compatible with all devices.
6) Much more!
How to use it on your blog:
So the source code is here. Download it and open it with the help of note pad and copy all the code by pressing Ctrl+C on keyboard. now go to blogger and click page in left side bar and click on the button "New Page" and give the title of page without giving any space, because when you want to create the page let suppose you are creating a "index.html" and want that they show as
then write just "index" in the tile of your page. The blogger is much intelligent that it will create address of your page automatically as[page name].html
so be careful in creating the first time by giving name.
So before pasting this code change your words and texts and images and links of your own blog.
2-The portfolio static page for showing your work in category:
This page is design for the showcasing product and services and can be used combine with the above page so you can show you show case, product and services.
Download Source Code
Scroll up to see how to install on your own blog.
Scroll up to see how to install on your own blog.
3- The Services and Static home page with responsive Bootstrap image slider with title, button and description.
This page is designed for showcase your portfolio and your team member also. So download and get it on your web site.
Download Source Code
4- Responsive Flat Browse category with responsive carousel (Image descriptor and slider) static page for blogger
This page is originally design for browse category of the posts and there a several buttons on this page and you can use this on your blog....
4- Responsive Flat Browse category with responsive carousel (Image descriptor and slider) static page for blogger
This page is originally design for browse category of the posts and there a several buttons on this page and you can use this on your blog....

Инстраграмм остается самой популярной площадкой для продвижения собственного бизнеса. Но, как показывает практика, люди гораздо чаще подписываются на профили в которых уже достаточное количество подписчиков. В случае если заниматься продвижение своими силами, потратить на это вы можете очень множество времени, потому гораздо лучше обратиться к спецам из на сайт