When computer software succeeds—when it meets the needs of the people who use

it, when it performs flawlessly over a long period of time, when it is easy to modify

and even easier to use—it can and does change things for the better. But when software

fails—when its users are dissatisfied, when it is error prone, when it is difficult to change

and even harder to use—bad things can and do happen. We all want to build software that

makes things better, avoiding the bad things that lurk in the shadow of failed efforts. To

succeed, we need discipline when software is designed and built. We need an engineer-
ing approach.

It has been almost three decades since the first edition of this book was written. During

that time, software engineering has evolved from an obscure idea practiced by a relatively

small number of zealots to a legitimate engineering discipline. Today, it is recognized as a

subject worthy of serious research, conscientious study, and tumultuous debate. Through-
out the industry, software engineer has replaced programmer as the job title of preference.

Software process models, software engineering methods, and software tools have been

adopted successfully across a broad spectrum of industry segments.

Although managers and practitioners alike recognize the need for a more disciplined

approach to software, they continue to debate the manner in which discipline is to be

applied. Many individuals and companies still develop software haphazardly, even as they

build systems to service today’s most advanced technologies. Many professionals and

students are unaware of modern methods. And as a result, the quality of the software that

we produce suffers, and bad things happen. In addition, debate and controversy about the

true nature of the software engineering approach continue. The status of software engi-
neering is a study in contrasts. Attitudes have changed, progress has been made, but

much remains to be done before the discipline reaches full maturity.



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